Why your future self is a stranger

Why your future self is a stranger

Hey everyone!

We’re back with another episode of Footnotes, our monthly audio letter giving you an insight to the conversations we have when working on full-length issues.

This month we’ve been thinking about back-to-school. Usually, this time is filled with excitement and opportunity but in a global pandemic, it’s hard to feel anything but anxious about such uncertain future(s).

In this episode of Footnotes we discuss why it’s difficult for humans to think about the future, how to hack your brain to overcome decision-paralysis, and whether it’s even possible to get “future ready.” Plus, a shoutout to singing loudly, making haikus in German, and the lessons we can learn from doomsday preppers. Click the link above to listen, or find us on Spotify and Soundcloud.

See you soon ✨

Sara & Sabrina

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